
English Wiki Main Page

Page history last edited by Diane Temple 7 years, 12 months ago


Welcome to the MV English wiki page. All comments and content should be educationally sound and appropriate!


College Prep English


Applied English


English II


Softskills lessons


Creative Writing


Review the first half of the vocab list.


Review the first half of the vocab list. If you think that was fun, try the second half!

Lord of the Flies


FELONY vs MISDEMEANOR INFO: In your packet you'll see directions that go with this article. Be sure to complete both sides of the worksheet.

EEOC treasure hunt

Work Values Please read the article and with each value, describe this value as well-developed, developing, or troubling. Then describe how important that value is in your eyes and explain why.

Generation Y article

Bill Gates article



Reality check


To Kill a Mockingbird prereading: Author/Myth info

To Kill a Mockingbird essay topics


Review the first half of the vocab list. If you think that was fun, try the second half!


Articles of interest

ICAN Materials Library




O-Net: career info site

Occupational Outlook Handbook: career info site




Scholarship essay topics


More young people return to career in farming

What Teachers Want Parents to Know

What Teachers Really Want to Say to Parents


Personality article: Why Personality Matters in the Workplace  Reflect: How does your personality (think of the Big Five) affect your career plans, extra curricular participation, education?

Self-esteem article

Attitude Is Everything

Success Tips website


Legal/Illegal interview question information


Creative Writing Autobiography Project


An intro to presentation skills, basic structure ideas, some delivery tips

Bad presentation: What did she do wrong? What about these guys?



Beowulf overview

Old English alphabet characters

Can you speak Old English?

Viking Quest



The Pearl

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